Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Andrew has just recently been discovering his toys so to figure out which ones he liked best, I took him into his room and held them each in front of his face and waited to see what he would do.

These were his two favorites: his doggy blanket and his duck.

As soon as I held the dog out in front of him, he grabbed the blanket part and stuck the dog's snout into his mouth. Here's a pic of him "kissing" his new best friend.

His duck's cheeks flash as it sings "rock-a-bye-baby". It was fortunate that we found this duck yesterday because it was the only thing that would calm him down last night. (I think I heard "rock-a-bye-baby" about 50 times... I'm not joking.)

So here he is with his two new friends and good camera face stare.

1 comment:

Allie said...

That's hilarious that he likes his blanket dog. Josh had a blanket bear which he liked, too!

- Gabe