Friday, May 23, 2008

The Old Man Bumped His Head

Believe it or not, we've actually had some rain down here. It's been wonderful... except for my 2 friends who are planning big outdoor parties for tomorrow. Andrew was so excited when he saw the rain. He ran to the sliding door, opened it, and sat there for the entire time I was nursing Keira, singing and just watching the rain. The best part was listening to him sing:

It's pouring.
It's raining.
The man... snoring.
mmmphmmmzzmmmhhrrrmm... morning.

OR (in the video above)...

It's raining.
It's pouring.
The man is katak.

I love the fact that he asks me for the definition of a word that he made up himself.


Anonymous said...

He's a creative one that Andrew! Kataks are the the little bit of ice cream that's stuck to the inner portion of the spoon you just ate from after illegally using scooping straight from the tub.

Cheri said...

oooooohhhhhh... thanks for the webster's, tai-wai. :)