Monday, September 21, 2009

Our 18 Month-Old Bundle of Energy

Our little Keira is 18-months-old now and VERY active! She had her check-up today and the doctor said she's doing great. She's tall (32 inches) and skinny (22.5 lbs) and healthy! We figured she'd be tired after her shots today, but we played all around The Pike in Long Beach after the appointment and she was full of energy, as usual. I've been feeling so tired lately from chasing Keira around and I thought I was just turning into a wimp. Then I came home and watched these videos and I understood why I am tired after a day with Keira. She has a mind of her own, loves to be independent and make her own decisions, and has an overwhelming amount of energy. She loves to explore and is quite confident in who she is and what she can do. I am so blessed to have a daughter who possesses those traits, but it sure is exhausting to be her parent! FYI... In the bottom video, the ring you hear is her pressing the alarm button in the elevator and once we get off the elevator, we are trying to go straight down the street.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Andrew's Digging Adventure

This is my first time using our new flip video recorder. Hopefully you'll see more videos now!