Wednesday, June 21, 2006

6 Months Old!!!

Andrew is 6 months old today! Here are some new things about him:
* 18 lbs 11 oz (75th percentile)
* 28.5 inches (97th percentile)
* Both of his bottom teeth are coming in
* He loves playing, "This little piggy" with his toes
* He laughs a lot, particularly when he's being tickled.
* He gives hugs and tries to kiss (so cute!)
* He eats rice cereal twice a day and will start other foods soon. (maybe tomorrow!)
* He loves to stand (with help)
* He wants to crawl very badly (especially when he's with his buddy, Joshua)
* He sleeps on his stomach almost every night now
* He sits up for longer periods of time
* He likes to jump
* He grabs for toys around him
We're totally blessed to have Andrew as our son. God has given us a very special little boy and we are VERY thankful!


Allie said...

Hooray! Congratulations to all of you for making it through the first six months! Wow, Andrew's a big boy! It's such a blast to see our two boys hanging out with one another. Hope the shots didn't bother him too much.

- Gabe

Carolyn said...

Grow, Andrew, grow! :) I think he has caught up to Lauren now! He's going to have to teach Lauren how to crawl, though--she seems to have no interest in it. What an adorable little guy!!