Friday, June 09, 2006


I know I don't usually put non-Andrew postings on this blog, but I've been considering putting thoughts on here and I feel that this is important and very much worthy of blog space.

Several things have happened recently that have made me consider the frailty of marriage. Before about a week ago, I would not have used the word "frailty" in conjunction with marriage, but I now see that the word is applicable. Gabe and I have very wise friends who had been married for about four years when we were discussing the sadness of divorce rates within the church. Instead of them saying, "I'm glad that we won't fall into that group", they spoke more wisely and said, "Lord, please help us not to end in divorce". I typically am hopelessly optomistic and would say things along my first quote, but the Scripture does say "Be careful when you stand lest you fall." Now, Gabe and I are doing great. Please don't be concerned, but isn't it true that you and I don't know what tomorrow holds? Only God knows. Therefore, let us pray for our spouses, pray for God's strength in our own marriages, pray for our friends and parents, and give these relationships to the Lord.

I wish that I could pour out more of my mind on this blog. I hurt inside when I hear about friends getting divorced. I get angry because I don't understand how things like this happen. What happened? Where was God when it happened? Where did those brothers and sisters of the couple go when they said they'd be there in times like this?

God, please humble us to see we need You. Please humble us to see that we need fellowship and accountability. Please humble us to stand, but only by Your strength.


Allie said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts . . . what you have shared is very true and an important reminder.

Carolyn said...

Marriage is a daily decision. Sometimes that decision is easy, sometimes not so much. Thanks for sharing this, Cheri.

Sara Edwards said...

Those are wise thoughts Cheri. And very well put! Thanks for sharing. And feel free to share non-Andrew things anytime--I've finally gotten old enough that I read things without pictures. :)

Andrea said...

Hey Cheri, found you. haahaa...
but, here is my xanga, I don't think i will post much here, or I can always just copy and paste...what do you think. The upside, ones you get to my xanga, you have access to the world..(you know what I mean!"
And....I don't mind seeing Andrew all the time...heehee...