The Barber home (yet again) has been under attack by the stomach flu! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
This time, only Andrew and I got it, though. It's a really weird bug. It's not that bad (compared to the Nov./Dec. variety), but it's lasted for three days so far. Ugh! Not to worry my dearest Flo and sister Sara (both of whom we'll be seeing in a few days), we will be healthy with a cleaned house by then! (Please pray!)
This, of course, means I didn't get to run my 13 miles on Saturday. :( I was SO pumped for my run too! I was going to run to the home of the Shultzi and back. It's a big bummer, but hopefully I'll get my strength back soon.
Yucky stomach bugs!! Lauren has it for the second time in two months. Gary and I are waiting for it to hit again... We'll will pray for all of you!
I'm sorry... Hope you didn't get it from us... We'll keep you in our prayers!
Stomach bugs...booooo!!! We were bummed that we couldn't do dinner on Tuesday, but we hope you're feeling better soon!
Gabe, Allie, and Joshua
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