1. Vocabulary- As my big sis, Sara, pointed out in her comment on my last Sylvester post, she has an excellent vocab... Could it be from this book???
Excerpt #1: "The lion... went away confused, perplexed, puzzled, and bewildered." Wow. How many times do you read words like that in a children's book?
Excerpt #2: "You can imagine the scene that followed- the embraces, the kisses, the questions, the answers, the loving looks, and the fond exclamations!" Isn't that better than, "They were happy to see each other and gave each other a big hug"?
I've learned with Andrew that you always have to be expanding their vocab. I caught myself once about to call the coffee table, "the table where your toys are" because he didn't know the word, "coffee table", but then I realized that's how he learned the words he does know. He didn't know any words in the beginning. That's why I love this book. It teaches Andrew new words and reminds me of words that I should be using more often around him.
2. Donkeys- "While popular in Cantonese cuisine, they are not often found in Washington DC!" Just kidding... But if any of you can tell me where that quote comes from, I'll be quite proud of you! Anyway, donkeys never get written about. Why not? What's wrong with donkeys? Is it because of the sad, depressed picture that A. A. Milne gives us with Eeyore? Poor donkeys. Sylvester is really paving the way for them! Donkeys of the world, unite under your four-legged leader, Sylvester!!!
I realize that I haven't even told you the plot of the book, but I will soon. Stay tuned!
I have an old Winnie-The-Pooh book (The Honey Tree) from our childhood that was very popular around here for a while. It had very big, complicated words and LOTS of words on each page. When we read a book for about the hundredth time, I usually start leaving out words for the listening child to fill in. It was hilarious to hear my 1.5 year old say "loud buzzing-noise", "they're suspicious", and best of all: "Tut-tut. It looks like rain."
Okay I know you are not surprised I know, but the quote is refering to monkey brains in Clue. I did read that book several times as a child and I did not like it because of the state poor Sylvester had to live in for quite awhile. It was a sad book to me. Maybe my vocabulary was better than yours because I did not need my Mommy or big sissys to read it to me. I will have to find my nephew a happier book!
Enough book reviews! We want Pics, Pics, and more Pics, with a few videos inserted for our added enjoyment.
yeah..this is stephanie doo :]
i just read all of your entries..theyre so funny!
plus andrew is really cuuute.
hope you guys had fun at retreat.
God Bless!
i'll keep reading :]
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