Friday, May 29, 2009

La Primera Vez

Yesterday, Andrew spoke Spanish for the first time without me prompting him to. I only speak a few random words here and there to him so I never actually expected him to pick up on it.

I asked him if he wanted more food and he said, "no mas", which means, "no more". Then I asked him if he knew what "no mas" meant and he said, "'no mas' means 'no more', but if I want yes more then I say, 'yes mas'". Okay, so he doesn't totally get Spanish... or English. :)

Keira tried to speak her first Chinese this morning. She was giving me a cup of "tea" and each time she gave it to me, I said, "Thank you. Shieh shieh." The last time I handed it back to her, she said, "Shish". It was very cute.

As for English, I think one of Keira's first words was "trash". I told her we needed to go get the trash and she said, "tash". Not a very ladylike word, but still very sweet. :)

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