Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Fruit of the Spirit

The kids and I have been doing a long-term project involving the fruit of the Spirit talked about in Galatians in the Bible. Allie got us started on it several weeks ago. It's been a great project so I'll explain how we did it for all of you moms out there who want to give it a shot. There are 9 fruit"s" so each day that we worked on it, we discussed one of them. Then, I drew and cut out a fruit with the spiritual fruit written on it. For example, here is our apple of gentleness. They either colored them with crayons or painted them with water color and then...
they taped them onto the tree.
The tree was cut out from a big piece of cardboard and then the kids used finger paint and their entire bodies (what a mess that was!) to paint it for us.
They are very proud of their finished work.

We also made up a little song to go with the Bible verse. Here is Andrew singing it and the words below (to the tune of twinkle twinkle):

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, and let's see...
faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
Against such there is no law to hold.
Galatians 5:22 and 23.
If you want to see my fruit, just look at my tree.

Each day that we did a project, we'd try to note throughout the rest of the day when someone was doing a good job with that attribute. We still refer to kiwi-kindness fairly often. We've really had a good time with this. I'd love to hear if any of the rest of you try it out.


Carolyn said...

I LOVE how the video ends with Andrew saying, "I want to see..." That's how all of my Lauren videos end. :) Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Allie said...

i love how Andrew sings the song (and that you translated it for us). great idea, we may just get back to working on our tree to and add your song to it!

Samantha said...

that last picture is so cute; andrew looks like he's posing like a thug except for his smile.