Thursday, October 02, 2008

Arizona Trip

Doesn't this guy look like he's ready for some fun in the sun in AZ?
About a week ago, we went out to AZ to visit Gabe's grandparents and Aunt and Uncle and fam and also to visit the Maycumbers. The above pic is of most of the family. We had such a fun time visiting with everyone. The woman all the way to the left is the marathon-studly aunt who helped me run my marathon last year. Another side note: the rocking chair that Andrew is sitting on used to be Gabe's grandma's when she was little. It's so awesome to think that 4 generations have used that chair! How cool is that?! (btw, Andrew loved the rocking chair and took it with him all throughout the house.)
Grandmas have a very special place in Andrew's heart. Gram Barb was singing songs for Andrew and he was LOVING it!

(Sorry for the sideways video.) These are songs that she was teaching him right then and there. How cute are they?
On Monday of the trip, 2 things happened in the pool: First, Gabe discovered Keira's first tooth! (She has 2 now. I can't believe all toothless grins are gone!)
Second: I have to include the following story becuz it will sound insanely familiar to my family... Gram Barb, Gabe, Andrew, Keira, and I got into the pool. It was a hot day and had been hot since we got there. After about 30 minutes, I decided I should probably nurse Keira so I got out of the pool with her. She started fussing so I figured that she really was hungry. Every time I tried to nurse her, though, she just went psycho, screaming and screeching. I couldn't figure out what was wrong so I went back outside with her. I gave her to Gram Barb who was now sitting on the edge of the pool. She held Keira as she cried and fussed. Finally I took her in with me. Of course (as my baby story goes) she stopped crying and was as happy as could be. She just wanted in the water. She loved the pool so much!
Andrew had a fun time too!
On our way from Fountain Hills (where Gabe's grandparents live, just outside of Phoenix) to Flagstaff (where the Maycumbers live), we detoured through Sedona. It was beautiful! Here are some pics...

I included this one becuz this is how I feel most days. I've got one kid attached to my hip and another attached to my leg and a diaper bag slung over my shoulder. I love this part of my life!

Yes, this is Gabe on a motorcycle. Can you believe it? Phil took him out for a ride in the forest (about 100 yards from their house!). He seemed to be pretty good at it and loved the ride. On a side note, did you notice that Phil is not wearing a helmet? I'm guessing (due to the lack of helmets we saw on the freeway) that it's not a law in AZ... Isn't that insane?!
A highlight of the Maycumber home: the trampoline! Here are Andrew and Logan, with William and Luke.
Here's more of their fam: Janelle and Phil, little Logan, then Luke, Wesley, and William. Not pictured are Morgan and Michelle. They've got a huge and wonderful family. They opened up their home to us for 2 nites and even took time off the enjoy with us. I feel like we've known them forever now, although this is my first time meeting them. Andrew fit right in with all the boys and made himself right at home.

On the way home: This is the second verse... and the last line of Baby Baluga.
We're back at home now. Keira and Andrew are cuter than ever playing together. I just LOVE watching them.

I was making dinner the other night and thought they were pretty quiet in the family room. I glanced over and this is what I saw.


Anonymous said...

Gabe and Jesse used to jump around to the Jumping Song and "swing their trunks" to the Elephant Song, too. And I love Baby Beluga!
Love, Nonnie

Cheri said...

In case anyone knows them and cares... my mistake. William is not pictured and Morgan is in the pic of the Maycumbers. Sorry to William and Morgan!