Sunday, August 23, 2009

Family Portrait

Andrew drew us this family portrait a few days ago. In case you're having a hard time figuring out who's who, the order is: Andrew, Gabe, Cheri, Keira, and then Yellow Bear... because, of course, she's part of the family.

Saturday was haircut day. Here are the results:

I'm not sure who's the most difficult customer... the feisty 1-yr-0ld (only bangs), the squirmy 3-yr-old, or the 30-yr-old with enough hair to gag a camel.
They all actually did a good job on Saturday. I'm proud of them all. :)


Mantha Ray said...

that is such an adorable picture of andrew!!

Anonymous said...

Those faces...I love those faces!
Love, Nonnie