Saturday, August 08, 2009


There was a fire at the park next to our house the other day. Bad news: Two kids set fire to a couple trash cans. Good news: We had firefighters on our street!

We all (Gabe, his parents, the kids, and I) walked over to watch the firemen. (There were no firewomen. Andrew told me the firewomen were back at the station.) After they were done putting out the fire, cleaning up, and changing out of their fire garb, they came over and gave Andrew and Keira each a "junior firefighter" badge. The kids were SO excited. It seemed that that was just what Keira was waiting for and she happily ran home as soon as she got her sticker. Andrew wanted to hang out a little longer so he and I sat and continued to watch the firemen clean up. He asked me tons of questions and then informed me that he wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up. He asked me what he needed to do to be a firefighter and I really didn't know the answer. Andrew said he should probably ask a fireman.

Andrew is never brave enough to talk to strangers like that so I wanted to encourage him to do it. We walked over and I ended up being the one to ask and this was their response: "Well, you have to go to school, go to college, not get in trouble with the police, and eat lots of vegetables." Ha! After that, they let Andrew climb up into the truck and take a look around, which was stinkin' awesome! Then, we went back to our front yard and watched them back up and then drive past us. As they did, Andrew waved, and they turned on their sirens- just for him!!!

I have to admit that I thought it was just as cool- if not cooler- than Andrew did.


Allie said...


Amy said...

I think it is way cool! I betcha he is more likely to eat his veggies too!

Anonymous said...

Ask your sis Debbie about her close encounters with firemen, it was the highlight of her party!