Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Decorating for Christmas

Excitement is in the air in the Barber home. Christmas time is here and both of the kids know it. They are just loving December. Here are some pics to prove it.
Gabe setting up the tree. We got a real tree from Lowe's this year. The kids were running around the tree lot like wild monkeys! It was nice to get them home and in an enclosed environment.

Keira's legs were moving too fast for the picture. THAT'S how excited she was.
The next morning, Andrew and I set up some Christmas decorations. Here he is putting the tree's skirt on.
Again, this time after me telling him how it works.
Break time for hot chocolate with marshmallows!
At one point, during decorating, I lost Andrew and found him in his room with all the snowmen. He wanted to decorate his room with them.
It was time to decorate the tree!
I have to admit I was expecting this part to be more magical than it was. I expected us to be decorating the tree while singing Christmas carols. It ended up looking more like me trying to keep metal hooks away from Keira and the breakable ornaments away from both of the kids while they ran circles around me. Maybe next year... hahaha...
Still cute, though.

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