Friday, December 18, 2009

More December News

The kids and I made oat-gingerbread cookies a couple weeks ago. Here they are frosting them.
Keira did more licking than frosting.
Andrew did some pretty good decorating. This is something my family used to do every year growing up and I love being able to pass this on. I was so happy to find a good wheat-free cookie recipe for Andrew.
These are the "ginger bread houses" I wrote about in my last post. The kids had so much fun with it. I guess it's always fun to eat a craft you made. This is Andrew's finished project.
Here's Keira's. Again, she did more licking than building.
And mine! (If I look sick and tired here, it's because I was.)
Gabe and I were trying to discuss something without the kids interrupting. It was getting difficult so we finally just put some Mickey Mouse on the laptop for them to be entertained. They look pretty into it, don't they? When it was almost over, we realized we had accidentally chosen one in Spanish! They never even noticed. That's how amazing Mickey is, I guess.
This was our first fire in our house. The kids loved it. Contrary to how it looks, Keira is not about to fly out of the rocking chair.

I guess this pic belongs in the last post, but oh well. They're cute!
Gabe took the kids out to the mall and then to dinner the other night. I was so sick, I was completely out of it. Gabe and I both caught the flu from Andrew (who had it last week.) It was a bad one! We're both still trying to recover. I haven't been able to talk much for the past several days because of it. We're hoping Gabe's voice will be ready for preaching tomorrow night and Sunday morning. Please pray for him!
All dressed up for church. I just thought they looked nice that day.
Keira on the potty.

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