Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kai Alexander is Born!!!

Friday, September 10th, Gabe and I sat in the waiting room, waiting to have our baby. I felt like I had already waited 9 months and then 6 hours that morning at home. I wanted to meet my baby!!! We were both giddy, though, so we still had fun.
Gabe always takes a picture of the weather outside on our kids' birthdays. Just like the other two, it was beautiful!... a great day to have a baby!
It's funny to think how much will change. Nothing will ever be the same. I will always be a different person with Kai in my life.
Gabe, of course, will remain the same cool guy that he is.
It was just a matter of minutes after that picture that...
Kai entering the world! I loved hearing his cry when he was born. What a precious sound!
8 lbs 13 oz and 20.5 inches
Minutes after his birth.
I remember thinking how very warm and soft he felt during those first few minutes of his life. Nothing can compare to that.
Proud daddy.


Carolyn said...

Love the adorable pictures of Kai! Can't wait to hear about life as a mom of three. Much love to you all!!

deee said...

Congratulations! God bless your family of five!
Why is it that you look so great in these pictures, Cheri? You are a pro now!

FungFam said...

Gabe and Cheri, you two are so very blessed.

Kai- welcome to this world! You have two very cool, Jesus loving parents. Remember, ice cream is good.

John and Janelle said...

sooooooo excited for you! He's precious!