Saturday, September 18, 2010

Keira at 2 1/2

Keira's speech is so cute these days. I thought I'd write some of it down so that I don't forget her 2 1/2 year old cuteness. The following are some of Keira's pronunciations of common words.
Mammies: jammies
Mink: pink
Hello meow: hello kitty
beep: sleep
beeps: trees
bop: soap
duck: look
nanas: banana
rear-ra: Keira
mump: jump
mincess: princess

My Mom got Keira a Hello Kitty activity book which she absolutely loves, but a good portion of it is designed for pre-teens. We had Keira fill out one of the pages. Here are some of her answers to the "quiz."

My full name is: "Andrew and me"

My lucky number is: "E"

My best quality is: "O"

A movie I could watch over and over again is: "Monkey"

The best book I've ever read is: "Hello Kitty"

A word I like to say a lot is: "What? What? What?"

My favorite meal is: "Cheese and eggs"

The class I enjoy the most is: "Pink one"

The coolest place I've ever been to is: "Pink house"

My favorite piece of clothing is: "Pink jammies"

A sport I love to play is: "Running"

The song that is #1 on my playlist is: "Row row row your boat"

The first thing I do in the morning is: "Wake up"

A motto I always live by is: "E"

The animal I am most like is: "Meow meow"


Flo Paris said...

SO super presh.
I think my favorite has to be "duck" instead of "look" - that would be awesome if she carried that one over to older years, and just shouted "DUCK" at everybody.

Allie said...

So cute! You've been busy with getting all your pictures up too--I love them all!