Thursday, February 19, 2009

Andrew's 3rd Birthday

I really want to finish posting from all of December and my goal is to finish by Saturday night. Let's see if Cheri can do it...
Andrew turned 3 on December 21st! He had an awesome day that ended with a fun party at our house. This was him as soon as he woke up in the morning. And, yes, before his breakfast, he did eat a cupcake.
For some reason I can't get this pic horizontal, but these are the cupcakes I made for him. I was TOTALLY stressed out the night before his birthday and was up until 3am getting ready for his birthday, Keira's dedication, church, and his birthday party. Everything was just an item on a To Do list for me to check off and that made me so sad. I really wanted his birthday to be special and from my heart. I stopped my work at about 1am and prayed for God to give me wisdom in how to bless my son the next day. This idea for the table and cupcakes is what God helped me come up with. Andrew (along with the other boys at the party) were so excited. Plus, all of the candy I used was candy and cereal, etc. that Andrew could eat. It was so fun to be able to do something so special for him.
After breakfast, Andrew opened his gift from us. We got him his first Bible. He LOVES it! He loves books and loves to hear about God and Bible stories so it fit him just right!
Now, when Gabe leaves for work, Andrew puts his Bible and Thomas laptop in his backpack and "goes to work" too. It's so cute!

Keira at Andrew's party. I love her little pouty lip and her big baby blues.
We played an awesome game of pin the tail on Mickey Mouse. They caught on enough to play, but didn't catch on all the way so it was pretty funny.
Noah was the funniest. He just kept walking further and further away from the poster. We finally had to stop him.
Keira with her friend, Abigail.
One of the great things about present-opening at a 3-yr-old party is that everyone helps. :)
Andrew blowing out the candle.

Andrew is such an awesome kid. He is a loving, sharing, silly, smart, and thoughtful little boy. We love him so much!


Sara Edwards said...

That cupcake train is AMAZING!!! I love it! Can you make one for me for my birthday? :)

Anonymous said...

What an incredible birthday party you pulled off, Cheri. Wow. I love the pictures of all the party-goers helping Andrew open his presents and especially the one of Noah wandering far away from the poster. What a crack up!
Love, Nonnie