1. I was born 20 minutes outside of: Colville, WA...tricked a few of you with spokane...
2. I've never had a Mohawk...but the flat top and "step" were quite popular in elementary school...and tiger stripes was nice in college, except they made my mom cry
3. Cheri & I met in the same WOW group (orientation for college)...awwww, how cute
4. The primary ethnicity of our church is Taiwanese
5. My current ringtone is Final Countdown...although I do appreciate how many people think I'm too cheap to buy a ringtone...nice
6. I had surgery on my left wrist...and i have the frankestein scar to prove it
7. Toughest question by far, since the Office, Scrubs, Arrested Development, & the Simpsons are the four best TV shows ever...but if I had to rank them, they'd go: 1) Arrested Dev. 2)Scrubs 3) The Office 4)The Simpsons...but I might actually have to put Lost ahead of the Office and Simpsons, but i decided to stick with the whole comedy theme for this...
8.The historical figure I'd most like to meet (besides Jesus) is: Baby Jesus. (j/k - small group inside joke). The correct answer is Alexander the Great. Dude, I'm sorry, but anybody who can conquer almost the entire known world by their 25th bday is worth talking to...as long as i have diplomatic immunity or something. seriously, that's some stinkin impressive tyrrany! k, enough historical nerd-dom...
9. Coke wins in a landslide...not even close...seriously...the only thing Pepsi has going for it is that it makes mountain dew...and i guess the fact that they have p-diddy in their commercials...but that's seriously it...
10. Some people said that as a pastor my favorite christmas song should be silent night, and it might be if i hadn't heard it 3 billion times...seriously, my wife has been listening to christmas music nonstop for like 2 months...i love the silence between the songs...sorry to disappoint... and allie knows that i really don't like the chipmunks!