Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Andrew!!!

Happy Birthday to our little Andrew!
It's amazing to see how much Andrew has changed in just 12 months. Praise the Lord! He is still healthy and a very happy little boy. We are more blessed by him than I could have ever imagined.
The strangest thought I had today was at 9:15 a.m. ... I remembered that exactly 1 year ago at that time, we still didn't know if he was going to be a boy or a girl. I can't imagine having a little girl. I love my Andrew!
I picked out some pictures (approximately one per month) from the past year. Enjoy!!!

This last picture was taken tonight as just the three of us celebrated his birthday together. (I'll post some pics from the party soon!)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Gabe's Answers

1. I was born 20 minutes outside of: Colville, WA...tricked a few of you with spokane...

2. I've never had a Mohawk...but the flat top and "step" were quite popular in elementary school...and tiger stripes was nice in college, except they made my mom cry

3. Cheri & I met in the same WOW group (orientation for college)...awwww, how cute

4. The primary ethnicity of our church is Taiwanese

5. My current ringtone is Final Countdown...although I do appreciate how many people think I'm too cheap to buy a ringtone...nice

6. I had surgery on my left wrist...and i have the frankestein scar to prove it

7. Toughest question by far, since the Office, Scrubs, Arrested Development, & the Simpsons are the four best TV shows ever...but if I had to rank them, they'd go: 1) Arrested Dev. 2)Scrubs 3) The Office 4)The Simpsons...but I might actually have to put Lost ahead of the Office and Simpsons, but i decided to stick with the whole comedy theme for this...

8.The historical figure I'd most like to meet (besides Jesus) is: Baby Jesus. (j/k - small group inside joke). The correct answer is Alexander the Great. Dude, I'm sorry, but anybody who can conquer almost the entire known world by their 25th bday is worth talking long as i have diplomatic immunity or something. seriously, that's some stinkin impressive tyrrany! k, enough historical nerd-dom...

9. Coke wins in a landslide...not even close...seriously...the only thing Pepsi has going for it is that it makes mountain dew...and i guess the fact that they have p-diddy in their commercials...but that's seriously it...

10. Some people said that as a pastor my favorite christmas song should be silent night, and it might be if i hadn't heard it 3 billion times...seriously, my wife has been listening to christmas music nonstop for like 2 months...i love the silence between the songs...sorry to disappoint... and allie knows that i really don't like the chipmunks!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Answers: Part 2

Here are the remaining answers to questions 6-10:

6. Fashion:
I think it'd be great to go back to the 80's styles! My frizzy, curly hair would be awesome, I wouldn't have to match any of my clothes, I could wear leg warmers over the heals of my keds, and I could wear frosty pink lipstick!

7. Singer:
Flo Paris- hands down. Duh! If anyone tries to disagree, I'm more than willing to step outside and settle the matter. (Never heard her? Click here.)

8. Baseball game:
I think this was my trickiest question. Those of you who know me probably picked "0" as the answer, but those of you who know me really well chose "7" (the correct answer). Although I hate just about everything about baseball, I love the junk food at the games. It takes me approximately 7 innings to eat all of the nachos, popcorn, and ice cream sandwiches I can. When we're done singing, "Take me out to the ballgame", I always lean over to Gabe and say, "Oh. It looks like this game is going into extra innings. Do you want to stay?"

9. Furthest distance ever run:
I haven't run a marathon (26.2) YET. The correct answer is 15 miles. I left planning to go about 6 miles. I ended up going 15. It was awesome!

10. I most closely associate myself with:
IDEALIST. This was another tough one becuz I am an optomist, perfectionist, idealist, and a proud nerd, but above all, I am an idealist. I not only see the best in people and things, but I also hope and believe the best in people, things, and situations. It's a nice way to live.

The Answers Part 1

Here are the correct answers... the ones you meant to put for questions 1-5:

1. My favorite class in college:
I found differential equations interesting and fun, but nothing more. Physical Chemistry was the most challenging class I took and thus awesome, but not my all-time fav. I never even took bowling... that class is left for speech communication majors (right Gabe?). Public Speaking, on the other hand, was an awesome class. I LOVE speaking about things I'm passionate about, especially in front of large crowds. In the class, I got to not only share about the amazing world of chemistry, but more importantly, I got to share my faith with MANY people. That's a good subject for another post though. Anyway, congrats to those of you who chose public speaking.

2. My favorite ethnic food:
Mmmmmmmmmmmm... garlic- I mean- Italian food...

3. Church:
FEFCF- First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton (our old church)
ECCU- Evangelical Christian Credit Union
H2O- Water
EFCOC- Evangelical Formaosan Church of Orange County (Formosa is the isle of Taiwan)

4. Movie quote:
This one is a tough one. "orange mocha frapaccinos" from Zoolander and "have you seen the toilets here? They're gi-normous!" from ELF are both great, but not fav's. "I hated her so much... flames on the side of my face... breathing... heaving breaths..." as spoken by Mrs. White in Clue is my all-time fav, but "Yeah. I stabbed a man in the heart" as spoken by Brick on Anchorman makes me laugh SO hard too. I probably shouldn't have put them both as choices. An extra half point to those of you who chose Brick's line! (I hope to have made some of your days just a little brighter.)

5. TV quote:
Although Arrested Development is my favorite show and most of my favorite lines are from it, the two lines I put on my quiz as choices from this show were incorrect. ("THIS one had a yellow bowtie on it!" and "I've made a HUGE mistake." Sorry to Buster and GOB.) The other two quotes were both from Family Guy. "Click click bloody click pancakes" was great by Stewie, but the correct answer was, "Hmmmmm... I'll take a 'Z'... hmmmm... and a 'q'... another 'q'... ummmmm... I'll take a third 'q'... and a batman symbol" as spoken by Peter when choosing letters for the final round of Wheel of Fortune.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Take the Cheri Challenge!

Create your own friendquiz here

Take the Gabe Challenge

Create your own friendquiz here

Merry Christmas Time!

We had our friends, Gabe and Allie and Joshua, over last week and got into the Christmas spirit.
Look at their cute little Santa!
Where'd Andrew go??? By the way, I LOVE these jamies and socks from his Nonnie. He looks like a little candy cane running around the house. He can also be found at night-time Christmas parties wearing them! :)
Why can't he look normal in pictures??? Crazy hubby!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Mama's Cooking

It turns out that I'm an amazing cook. I make a mean sweet potato and an incredible rice cake with grape jelly. I would offer to post the recipies, but I think I just did.
Here's the meal that he didn't eat... Roasted (yummy!) veggies and rice from last night's dinner. He was careful not to accidently eat any of these veggies. (I thought it was funny that although these pictures were taken at the same time, he has completely different foods on his face than he does on his table.)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bleh!!!... Literally...

This is a picture from the highlight of our week... the night before we all came down with the stomach flu. YUCK!!! So our house is a disasterous mess, there's a ton of laundry waiting (ewwww!), and we all have some MAJOR catching up to do from this past week. On the brighter side, we each took turns, which I've always thanked God for. Even before we had Andrew, only Gabe or I would be sick at a time. Isn't that a nice blessing from God? I don't think any of us (especially Andrew) could have taken the other two of us throwing-up at the same time. So, tonight the chicken noodle soup and saltines were on the table for yet another night and we are thanking God that we are on the other side now.