Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This May Be Boring To Some...

These are some things I've been wanting to post about, but I haven't had the time...

I feel like I'm just starting to get back on track. I've been leading a crazy life since Thanksgiving. I'm just starting to feel refreshed and ready to start... Although I don't know what I'm starting... I guess a normal life again.

I'm now faced with the decision of how to make next December different. I really enjoyed the past month, but I don't think it was healthy or best for my family. (Judging mainly on the fact that all three of us were sick the entire time.) I know what's most important, but I don't know how to apply those priorities to December... Please pray for me for wisdom.

I never really had hobbies in my life until Andrew was born. I think that's one of the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom. I never had time to do something like blog before. When I saw December coming, I knew my hobbies would be the first things to go. I was sad to have to put blogging on hold, but you were patient with me. I was sad to cut out running, but I'm getting back into shape fine. I was sad to stop my Mandarin CD's for a month, but I can pick it up again with a little effort. I was most sad to give up time with friends that I'm used to... Playdates "for Andrew" and dinner with the Encarnacions and walks to the park... Those kinds of things... This is what I wish I had more time for. Is anyone else on board for making December a few days longer???

I'm learning to cook without wheat, dairy, or eggs being those are the things Andrew is allergic to. Try it. It's a much healthier way to live.

I didn't eat ice cream for over a month and I haven't died yet.

Andrew is walking!!! January 4th (in Nevada City), Andrew took his first steps from his Nonnie to me!!! It's been constant daily improvement since then. What a stud! He also has 11 teeth now. Watch your fingers!

I am SO excited about the marathon. I'm registered and everything. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. The thought of crossing the finish line got me teary-eyed the other day... I am such a girl! (Weird thing- I never used to cry. Now (after Andrew being born), I just can't help it. I'm a total wimp!)

I think that about covers it. I hope I didn't bore any of you too much... By the way, did any of you notice that the tree in my last entry is planted in contcrete completely? Only at South Coast Plaza!

1 comment:

Flo Paris said...

This post made me really sad, mainly, because I would love to walk to the park with you, but driving 4 hours to walk around the park is just not practical. :)
I wish we had more of the Barbers in our life.