Thursday, January 11, 2007

Catch-Up #1: Andrew's Birthday Party

Andrew's first birthday party (Dec. 16th) was great. Thanks to Amy, Marco, and Joleen, I got some great shots of the event. Here's the little man stuffing his face with his gluten-free, dairy-free cupcake... mmmmmm...Noah and Andrew celebrating their big days together... as twins always do!
Baby blue eyes!
The party!... I'll explain more later on why we're in our garage...
Now is "later". Problem #1: Outdoor parties in the rain are tough. Problem #2: Booking a reservation at a park is always a good idea.... oops... we couldn't find a way to reserve it online as you could other parks so we thought you didn't need to... wrong!
No explanation needed.
How cute is this guy?!

Sorry. I don't know how to rotate pics off the top of my head and I don't have time right now. Tilt your head a little to the left. There you go.
A little more to the left... I love this pic taken by Amy. I figured it's a good conclusion for a party.


Carolyn said...

Yay, finally an update! I've missed you, Cheri!

Anonymous said...

Go Andrew! Big #1!

Flo Paris said...

Woo hoo, garage party!
I'm glad I didn't see Andrew walking around holding any big plastic red cups...THAT would have been worrisome.
Also, that dimple is pretty cute. As Amelie is getting to be quite the looker herself, I think it's time we started talking about arranged marriage.
Happy birthday!

Danny & Amy said...

I enjoyed the party very much not just because of the rains (my favorite weather--did I tell you?) but mainly because of Andrew's charms!