Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New Things

Although I titled this entry, "New Things", this picture is over a month old. My friend Carolyn took it and I think it's a cute shot of the little guy. Here are some new things that Andrew is doing:
* He stood up today for 6 seconds by himself!
* He's getting so close to crawling. He can rock on his hands and knees now, which seems really close. All he has to do is pick up a leg and I think the rocking would move him forward. So close!
* His 5th tooth is coming in.
* Andrew ate his first piece of something. (as opposed to puree) Before this, he literally gagged and sometimes puked when we tried. Looks like he has a heart for bananas... Poor Gabe (who HATES bananas) was a good sport and actually fed it to him last nite.
I think we've entered another season when Andrew seems to be doing something new every day. This happened at 6 months too. It's fun to watch him discover new things he can do.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Rocking? Crawling? STANDING?! You know that walking is just a few steps away. Literally! Josh likes bananas, too, so maybe they can get together for a banana tasting session. Or a banana split. We miss you guys and can't wait until our boys are feeling better so we can all hang out again!