Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Please Leave Your Dynamite at Home

While viewing TSA's website about what you can and cannot bring on a flight, I learned some interesting facts that I thought would be nice to share...

Things you may not bring:
1. Dynamite
2. Hand Grenades
3. Tear Gas
4. More than 3 oz. of pudding (carry on)

Things you may bring:
1. Firearms
2. Cattle Prods
3. Nunchakus
4. Spear Gun
5. Swords
6. Sabers


Joleen Heard said...

This is a stick-up. Give me all your money and I won't throw my 4 ozs of pudding at you.

Josh (the oak) said...

5. Swords
6. Sabers

A Saber is a Sword. Derka-der!

Cheri said...

I love jo's comment! I was cracking up reading it.

Although Josh is correct about a saber being a type of sword, doesn't it sound great that they actually included, "saber" on the list?

Flo Paris said...

If they angered Darth Vader by taking away his pudding, I bet they would be REAL sorry they let him keep HIS saber.

Anonymous said...

It's all part of al qaeda's plan to deprive people of pudding and snacks. Now I know that their definition of "infidel" is "person who likes pudding".

gabe said...

okay fine, i'll throw away my pudding...but you gotta meet me half way here...i'm keeping the hand grenade!