Monday, December 22, 2008

Night-time Feeding Problems

Here's another good sleep-deprived story. (I'm still waking up 1-2 times a night to feed Keira.)

Last night, as I was tucking Keira in, I thought of how cute she was, dressed in pink in her crib. She sleeps with two dolls, both dressed in pink too. I said good-night and soon after, went to bed. I got up, hours later to nurse her when I heard her cry. I went to pick her up, but on accident I picked up the doll's legs. "oops," I thought to myself, "that's her legs." So then I gingerly picked up the doll's body, just like you'd pick up a baby. "wow," I thought, "she's much lighter than I remember her being." Then I heard Keira say, "Mooooom!" at which point I woke up a little more and saw her sitting up next to the edge of the crib and noticed myself picking up a doll... oops.


Flo Paris said...

OH my gosh..soooo funny.
So.....I have to ask.....the other night when you called, you WERE actually trying to nurse Keira....right??
I mean...a doll would explain some of the trouble;)

Carolyn said...

There's a reason that sleep-deprivation is used as a torture device... ;)

Cheri said...

ha! that's funny, flo! i guess that's why we couldn't figure out the problem by reading stuff online.

Aunt Fun said...

That is so funny!!!!