Monday, January 15, 2007

Catch Up #3: Winter Retreat

Every New Year's Day weekend, EFC (our denomination) puts together a retreat for the English ministry (mainly junior high thru young families). This was the first time that we have gotten to go. We had a great time! It was up in Big Bear at Pine Summit for 4 days... in the snow!!!
It was a really good time for all of the youth to hang out. It really seemed like they grew closer together up on the mountain.
Okay... so every youth retreat needs to have a trashcan race, right? Here's ours. Each team had one person run across the field at a time and (try to) get to the other side. Then you switch with the next person on your team and so on. CHAOS!!! I think we had one real inury and several near misses... not bad for one game, right? :)
Snowball fight!!! (I will hopefully soon have a utube up of Brian dancing up there. He, he, he...)
Here's our little snow baby. Andrew loved it! He liked the way the snow sounded under his feet as he walked. Crunch! I really think this is how he got so much better at walking (with help still here).
The fam.
I LOVE this pic!
Andrew learned how to brush his hair. How cute!
Doesn't this pic take you back to retreats of your own?


Carolyn said...

Andrew looks like the perfect combination of Gabe and Cheri in that picture of him brushing his hair. What a cutie!!

Allie said...

Sounds like a great retreat! We look forward to hearing more about it soon! I can't wait to see Andrew walking more--with help and maybe even without by now!

Allie said...

I didn't know "gabriel" had a blogger thing without me . . . hmmm . . . we'll I guess I'm gabriel now too!

Danny & Amy said...

I love the pic you love. Picture perfect Andrew!