Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shout Out to the Fresno Fam

I guess after listing off 10 names, 2 more is too much to ask... we do love you, Nathan and Eli!

I spoke with my sister, Sara, today and she wanted in on the "Daddy swaddle", as it's known around our house. It works wonders for us (mainly Keira), although Gabe always enjoys a good swaddle every once in a while as well. :)


NerdMom said...

That is too cute! And I mean both of the videos. I think I am the only person who thinks that Nathan and Gabe look alike. I think they both have that same twinkle in the eye. Also, there is nothing better than a Daddy swaddle. NerdDad has done it with 4 kids and I wouldn't have gotten through any other way.

Sara Edwards said...

...and hi to you too Gabe. Thanks for the video. That was quick! The next time I'm having a computer problem, Cheri, will you post a quick video on how to fix that too? :)

So Andrew doesn't think we should have any more kids, I guess--or even all the ones we have! That was hilarious!

Joleen Heard said...

I think it is a child labor law that you can only ask him to say 6 names at his age. Sara was pushing it having another baby while Andrew is still 2.
P.S. Brayden says Andrew, Andrew, Andrew!