Sunday, April 20, 2008


Keira smiled for the first time on March 22nd and I've been trying to get a picture ever since. She doesn't like the light that comes on before the flash so every smile turns to a weird look right as the picture is taken. That's why I thought that a video might work better. This still doesn't show off her BIG smile. I'll try again soon for that, but I hope this will suffice for now. :)

On a less important note, Gabe and I play the grocery game. We use coupons and deals at the grocery store to see how much we can save. Last week, we just made a new record. Our total before coupons, etc was $92.19. After the coupons, it was $17.59. Not bad, huh? Anyone else here play???


Carolyn said...

Aw, sweet smiles! What a cutie!

Congrats on the grocery shopping, too. ;) I've always been wary of those programs, because I figure I'll end up with 37 cans of spam and nothing I really need. Have you found that it works well for you? You just might convince me...

Unknown said... game. Love it! Try It's free, and gives you lists for alot more stores. The website's a little tricky to navigate through, but it's worth it in the end! :)

Cheri said...

c*- we feared the same thing. we just take off all of the junk food immediately from the list and leave on there only the things that we'd buy anyway. it's good for stocking up on things. we might have 15 boxes of cereal, but they eventually get eaten. (We never buy cereal anymore unless it's less than $1.50 a box.)

laurinda- more coupons... ooooooo... i'll have to look into it. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are amazing! Super Mom!!!

- Catherine