Andrew has been doing great adjusting to having a little sister around the house. He kisses her, covers her with blankets, gives her a pacifier. It's very sweet.

Have you ever heard of the "fourth trimester"? This is why. I'm sure this is how she was folded in the womb. We call her our legless baby because you can never feel her legs when you hold her.

I love this little smile- even if it is just gas.

Keira was crying a ton the other day and Gabe and I tried everything to calm her down. Finally we swaddled her. Gabe and I both had to go do something and we came back to this content baby lying in the middle of the floor alone. We look like awful parents, but it must have been what she wanted.

The second night at home, Andrew wanted to sleep in our room with the other three of us. It was so cute, but we had to explain to him that it's not as good as it sounded.

Andrew's Easter basket. (made from an OJ carton, etc.) It was our first official art project together. I learned a lot.

We had an egg hunt Thursday night with the Encarnacions. Between both families, we had 39 eggs hidden. Once it took the boys about 5 minutes to "find" 2 each, Gabe and Gabe started sneaking some into their pockets. The boys had a lot of fun collecting candy and stickers and fake bugs.

Josh's technique was finding an egg, opening it, eating the contents, and moving on to the next one. Maybe not efficient, but instantly gratifying.

Andrew's technique was finding an egg, emptying its contents into the grass, and eating the jelly beans ("jungle beans") off the ground. Still not efficient and maybe not completely gratifying, but very unique.

Andrew and Keira got each other gifts. Here is Keira holding the hand of the doll that Andrew picked out for her.

Here's Andrew with his Thomas train that "Keira" got for him. It's Emily (the only girl train on Sodor).
That's a very accurate description of the egg hunt! :)
Great pictures! Keira has changed so much already!
I think Keira looks like a Chinese. Maybe it's because you saw many Chinese people during this pregnancy.
Probably our girls will look more alike than our boys.
I have to agree with Amy. Between Keira's dark hair and smaller eyes, she does look a little Chinese. :)
Hi Cheri
This is Teresa. I found your blog from Amy. I'm so.... glad for you that have 2nd child and she is so...cute.
I received your x'mas card last year and thanks. Sorry I didn't reply to you as I was so busy for my new born boy.
His name is Isaiah a 32-week preemie. God is so good. Isaiah looks just like a full term baby now.
Hope can see you in EFCOC some day.
May God bless you all family.
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