Wednesday, August 06, 2008

She's Up on Her Soapbox Again???

Ok. Same book. This time, I am frustrated and annoyed!

The author, Shane Claiborne, is a pacifist. He thinks that everybody, but in particular, all Christians, should also be pacifists. He goes on and on about the kind of world this ought to be- one where people don't go to war and kill each other and one where people don't retaliate violence with more violence. He appeals to your emotions and talks about sending your son to kill someone else's son in Iraq whose family is also a wonderful family. I have one thing to say to Shane... DUH!!! Who in their right mind WANTS their son to die? Who wants an innocent Iraqi to die? No one (in their right mind) wants that. Do I think that war is the best option if I were given a choice? Absolutely not! Am I pro-war? NO! BUT... (here we go) please don't present something that is not a valid option and expect me to take it seriously! I am SICK of people saying that they have a better way to resolve world conflict and they have solutions to other mega-problems such as healthcare in the US! I don't care if you have a solution! How are you going to get us there?! If you can't get us from point A to point B, then don't wave point B in my face and tell me what I should believe. I may be an idealist, but at some point you have to remember when and where you live.

Now, if any of you out there have a great plan, let me know and maybe we can set up an appointment with the President. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear it.

[Cheri steps down.]

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